
系列活动|春花夕拾海上艺术家联展Spring Blossoms Picked at Dusk Exhibition

2018-03-14 上海设计周


Keep watching & Make Inquiries ——

2018 Spring Blossoms Picked at Dusk Joint Exhibition of Haishang Art


Magical metropolis in March and Blossoms in Spring, why don’t you take your own “heart” to run away and feel the recovery of all things.


Themysteries of painting are in the flow of consciousness in the painting. Because you look at paintings, you are not just looking at a painting. It is through paintings that have already been completed that they “see” their initial lines, drypaint, and it is a matter of course. Because you know: how a painting starts,grows, and ends.

守方寸画布,望陌上花开;叩染颜木笔,问心手合一。“守望·叩问——2018春花夕拾海上艺术家联展”将于3月23号下午2:30在上海德必外滩8号一楼展厅开幕,联展为期一周,届时将展出夏葆元、魏景山、陈逸鸣、贺寿昌、李之久、应小杰、梁进青和杨启恒八位海派著名艺术大师作品。 由著名艺术家梁进青、杨启恒担任策展人,为大家呈现一场精彩绝伦的视觉盛宴。

“Keep watching&Make Inquiries ——2018 Spring Blossoms Picked at Dusk Joint Exhibition of Haishang Art” will be held on March 23 at 2PM in the exhibition hall, the first floor of DoBe WE"@Bund 8 in Shanghai. The joint exhibition lasts for one week at that time will display the masterpieces of eight famous Shanghai Artists who are Baoyuan Xia, Jingshan Wei,  Yiming Chen, Shouchang He,Zhijiu Li,Xiaojie Ying,Jinqing Liang and Qiheng Yang. Famous artists Jinqing Liang and Qiheng Yang as curators to present all a fantastic visual feast.


Shanghai was the earliest commercial port in china to open to the outside world and the earliest city to touch on the concepts of western art. Starting from 1864 when the Tushanwan Painting Institute was established at Xujiahui in Shanghai by the French Jesuit Society, the education of western art has been in China for more than 150 years now. On the background of this stormy era, Shanghai has a unique geographical advantage and diverse cultures converge here. Especially in the 1920s and 1930s, as the arena of fierce collision, competition and continuous integration of eastern and western civilizations, it created this city an inclusive urban character.


The art of Shanghai has been greatly promoted in the long cultural baptism. From Beihong Xu who promoted realistic oil painting in Shanghai, Haisu Liu, Fengmian and others successively pushed it to the peak. It can be said that the modern history of oil painting in Shanghai is a microcosm of the history of Chinese oil painting.


Under the inheritance of many masters of art, oil paintings still maintain their unique charm and continue to shine. In this artist's joint exhibition, XiaYiyuan, Wei Jingshan, Chen Yiming, He Shouchang, Li Zhijiu, Ying Xiaojie, Liang Jinqing and Yang Qiheng famous masters of art brought their classic works to DoBe WE"@Bund 8. Those who love art will be in close contact with these works!




Shanghai International Culture Association




International Culture Exchange Innovation Center





DoBe WE"@Bund 8

Shanghai Yihe Culture Development


梁进青 、杨启恒


Jinqing Liang, Qiheng Yang










Supporting Units

Shanghai Design Week

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Positive Energy Circle

16 CEEC Pavilion of Shanghai Free Trade Zone

Sina Contemporary Art

Bund Street New Overseas Chinese Sub-district

China Eastern Air

Fine Wines Club


Artists participating:(Sort by Age)



Wei Jingshan, graduated from Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts majoring oil painting in 1965 and then worked as a full-time painter in Shanghai painting sculpture studio with the works of such influential oil paintings as "The Occupation of the Presidential Palace" (cooperated with Chen Yifei), " Pioneer" (cooperated with Chen Yifei), "Qu Qiubai", "Musician Huang Zi" and "Wisdom and Perseverance - Mathematician Chen Jingrun". He is called "Three Musketeers in Shanghai oil Painting" together with Chen Yifei and Xia Baoyuan. In mid-1970s, he went to Tibet to sketch and inspire the younger generation's creative inspiration. In 1984, he went to the United States to study and graduated from University of Kansas and New York City University with master degree of Fine Arts in 1988. In addition to participating in several important art exhibitions in Shanghai, his works have also been exhibited in Japan, New York and Canada. His works were awarded as the gold medal in military art exhibitions and were collected by Art Museum of China, Military Museum, Lu Xun Memorial Hall and private collectors of Japan, Hong Kong, the United States and Canada.



Xia Baoyuan, one of the three talented from Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, painter, member of Chinese Artists Association, member of Shanghai Artists Association. He graduated from Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts majoring oil painting, and then worked as art direction at Shanghai Arts and Crafts Institute. He is artist at national level. He moved to New York, USA in April 1988 and has long been engaged in Western painting and Chinese ink painting with a lot of works exhibited in China, Japan, the United States, Italy and other countries. Also he won a variety of creation and publishing awards.



He Shouchang, served for Shanghai urban construction, cultural industry, information industry, cultural and creative industries and design industries in the past few decades, and has ever worked in Shanghai Cultural Affairs Bureau, Shanghai Municipal Information Office, Shanghai Theater Academy and Cultural and creative industries office. He worked as a UN expert for many years, and gave many advices to build Shanghai to become the world's leading creative city and design capital according to his own experience and insights. He studied painting since childhood, and graduated from Shanghai Theater Academy.



Chen Yiming, a painter born in Shanghai in 1951, brother of the famous Chinese painter Chen Yifei, studied painting since childhood. He studied at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts and Shanghai Theater Academy majoring oil painting from 1972 to 1979. Then he taught at Shanghai Light Industry College during 1979 to 1981. After studying in the United States, he studied in the Art Students Union of New York City and later held art exhibitions at the Finlay Gallery in Chicago, Florida and Paris. He has gained wide recognition in the United States through the successful cooperation with the Vallée Findlay Gallery and Khanmer Gallery.



Li Zhijiu, curator of Suzhou Fine Art Museum, director of Pastel Working Committee of Shanghai Artists Association, early report of Wen Hui Po. He was graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts majoring oil painting in 1978, apprenticing from Jin Shangyi, Wen Lipeng and so on. Now he works as art editor at Shanghai Wen Wei Po. His works have been selected for many national art exhibitions and collected by the National Art Museum, Sino-Foreign Cultural Exchange Center, Shanghai Municipal Propaganda Department, Shanghai Lu Xun Memorial Hall and so on.



Yang Qiheng, Shanghai Arts and Crafts Association Member, Craft Artist. Shanghai Wenliang Yan Art Promotion Board Member, Painter, Vice President of Shanghai Health Bureau Painting Association. Graduate of Academy of Fine Arts majoring in oil painting of Shanghai Normal University. Oil painting, pink painting, painting sticks and other works repeatedly selected Shanghai professional art exhibition.


1955年出生于中国福建 1985年在上海油画雕塑院学习 1987年赴美国旧金山艺术学院求学。1990 年 移民加拿大温哥华。海派油画家中坚代表。  

Liang Jinqing, born in Fujian province in 1955. He Studied in Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute in 1985 and went to San Francisco Art Institute in the United States for study in 1987. He Immigrated to Vancouver, Canada in 1990. He is the typical representative of Shanghai oil painters.



Ying Xiaojie, graduated from Shanghai Art School and Shanghai Jiao Tong University majoring Art. He is member of Shanghai Artists Association and professional visual artist. He is one of the outstanding artists in contemporary Chinese oil painting. His style is realistic and unique with his exquisite painting skills. He has won wide acclaim and praise. He has held many individual large-scale oil painting exhibitions and also won many awards at home and abroad.


DoBe WE"@Bund 8 is located on the Bund in hundred years. It breaks through the shackles of traditional office space and combines art and office. Here it has French dome frescoes, silhouette of foreign scence in five kilometers, old Shanghai traces and collect ibleartworks. What kind of sparks will happen when “Keep watching & MakeInquries——2018 Spring Blossoms Picked at Dusk Joint Exhibition of Haishang Art” meets DoBe WE"@Bund 8, let’s wait and see!

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